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6 thoughts on “Video 1”

  1. I’m old but willing and excited to learn to exercise the right way! I’m getting a bit tired of hurting most of the time, so want to do something to make it better. I’ve only been diagnosed with hypermobility for a couple of months, so have lived for 65 years with aches and pains, so now lets do this!

  2. I also went through trying yo “fix” myself by becoming a PT. But my back was so bad it disabled me. I have had 10 back surgeries. Just now ehlers-danlos has come into the picture-after 20 plus years

  3. Debi Mangum Francis

    I swear Kate, you constantly say things about hypermobility that make me go, “Wow, really? I’ve been saying/feeling that my whole life and didn’t realize it was part of hypermobility!“.

  4. Stephanie Moulton

    My diagnosis helped me understand my body. I went years with unexplained back pain that was just written off as typical pain from getting older.
    After receiving my diagnosis (but no real information about what it meant) I did research and realized why I was injuring myself when I worked out (Dr always said it was just normal muscle aches and I just needed to push through the pain).
    I finally have confidence in my ability to tell when I have achy muscles (good pain) vs strained muscles (bad pain)! It’s allowed me to be so much more physically active than the last few years and less fear of hurting myself!

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